Sunday, August 25, 2013

Funny is not funny anymore

When will I stop being jinxed! Why is it that I cannot be happy for more than two days simultaneously? Why is it that there will be atleast one person who has to ruin it all for me!

The last couple of days have been good. I was enjoying in college- classes were fun, laughing more and actually proud that I was spending time studying. I was even hopeful about my placements though my gpa sucks!

Is it so wrong for a girl to not want to get married. Is it such a stereotype for a girl to dream about getting married since she is a little girl! I have never wanted to get married except for a very brief period when I thought I found THE ONE. I was proven wrong very soon and since then my only aim has been to get my dream job - working long hours, make a lot of money and maybe even starting my own firm.

Why is it so difficult for the so called society to accept that girls also have dreams and a life which does not always revolve around husband and kids! I thought only the older generation had these inhibitions. But now I know I am wrong. My classmates , couple of years younger than me, all have nothing to say except when are you getting married and crack some really stupid PJs about my age. I am 27 and I am not ashamed of it. It has been my decision all along to not get married now. I have dreams which cannot be achieved completely after marriage.

I fucking do not care anymore. I am not going to take this shit. If this is all they have to talk to me about then it is better we do not talk. I have a life and I will live it the way I want to. I do not have to explain anything to anyone; even if it is a joke. Ha ha. Not funny anymore.

The Amazon India Experience

Noting down my experience with the Amazon recruitment process. Might help in the near or far far future.

Position : Intern

9.10 am to 10 am : Pre-placement talk
10.30 am to 12 pm : Online test : Questions asked from OS, NC, DS, Algorithms, SQL
The online test conducted by consisted of 20 MCQs and 2 coding questions.
1.45 pm : Results Announced

2 pm - 1st technical round :
Only two questions were asked. A variety of questions from DS, Algo, Puzzles were asked by different panels.
Couple of questions were :
1. Convert a BST to a linked list in place.
2. How to find a path between two nodes in a BST.
3. You are given an infinite byte stream. The stream contains two types of characters - Japanese which takes 2 bytes and English which takes 1 byte. The Japanese character starts with 1 and English character starts with 0. Given a pointer p at any point in the byte stream (at a particular character) identify whether the previous character is English/Japanese.
4. Given an array of integers (positive and negative) find the maximum product between 3 numbers in the array.
5. Find the equilibrium point in an array i.e, the sum of elements on the left side of the point should be equal to the sum of elements on the right side of the point.

There was a second technical round which covered projects, Algorithms and Data Structures in depth.

#Observation : Cracking the Coding Interview, Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy (Karumanchi) and are very helpful in preparing for these interviews.

PS: I managed to get through online test but ended up losing out on the technical round. No worries. Always a next time :)